

It's a tricky area, tobacco. On the one hand you've got these tiny chemical bombs addicting people
from a very early age. And on the other, there's lung cancer. How do you write something inspiring for that?
Honestly, you don't.

look cool while you set fire to a stick in your mouth.



GO AHEAD AND LIGHT UP. THE ONLY years you can save anyway are the crappy ones at the end.


sure, they'll kill you. but did you really think you'd live forever?



when the smoke clears, there's only one brand you can trust.



yellow teeth. yellow fingers. it's the mellow yellow.



smoke 'em while you got 'em. Lungs that is. 



a cuban cigar. the only time you'll have anything that was rolled on a virgin's thighs.



legal highs. rock-bottom prices.



flavor you can taste. breath you can smell.




if you can't be a movie star, at least smoke like one.



smoking. hot.



cool flavor that won't burn a hole in your pocket.



if you're wondering what success smells like, it's cuban. 



if you're going to blow smoke, make it smooth.



this particular one clinton did inhale.